SIR - With local elections taking place next week, and the general election later this year, the country may be set to see some major political shifts. But to truly create a just society, we need to ensure we’re listening to and championing the voices of our diverse communities.

People with learning disabilities face disproportionate levels of poverty, unemployment, and loneliness, and are three times more likely to experience domestic abuse than the general population.

I form part of that statistic and during my own experiences of abuse, I felt isolated from my family and friends, not knowing how to get help.

I don’t want anyone else to feel this way, so I helped to found Girls Group, a safe space for women with learning disabilities and autistic women who have also struggled with trauma, abuse, and low self-esteem.

This week, I was announced as the winner at this year’s Dimensions Learning Disability and Autism Leaders’ List Awards. I feel so proud to be recognised by an award that celebrates people with learning disabilities and autistic people who are making communities better for themselves and others.

It’s clear that as a society, there’s still a lot that needs to be done to increase understanding of people with learning disabilities and autistic people.

Crystal Higgins, Winner of the 2024 Dimensions’ Learning Disability and Autism Leaders’ List